Fever Fighters: How Parents Should Handle Sick Children and Babies

When a child or baby falls ill, it can be a distressing experience for parents. Fever is one of the most common symptoms of illness in children, and while it often indicates that the body is fighting an infection, it can still cause significant worry. Understanding how to handle a child's fever is crucial for ensuring their comfort and health. Causes of Fever Fever can be caused by various factors, including: Infections: Viral and bacterial infections are the most common causes of fever. Immunizations: Some vaccines can cause a mild fever as a side effect. Teething: Mild fever can occur in babies during teething. Heat Exposure: Overheating due to excessive clothing or environmental temperature can cause a rise in body temperature. How to Measure Fever Accurately measuring a child's temperature is essential for determining the presence and severity of a fever. Different methods can be used depending on the child's age: Rect...