Now is the time to get a Flu shot...

 Flu season is impending fast. Medical experts are saying that this year’s flu season could be a exceptionally bad one. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 9 million people in the New york. get the flu. Thousands of people die from this virus every single year. And, it is not just accessible populations like seniors who die from the flu. Wondering “where can I get a flu shot?” Click here for a medical clinic near me in Urgentway.

What Can You Do To Escape The Flu?

There are several things that you can do to escape the flu. One of the best ways to keep from getting sick is to repeatedly wash your hands minimum ten second. This can significantly cut down on your opportunity of flu. Also, if you have family and friends who are sick, avoid spending time with them until they are well. Lastly, if you are sick, stay home from work or school once the Doctor says that you can return. Resting at home will help you get better quicker and it can protect the people around you from getting the flu.

Get Your Flu Vaccine

One of the best ways that you can escape the flu is to get your influenza vaccine.

At Urgentway, we like to post the answer to our patient’s most frequently asked questions. That way, even if you forget to ask during your appointment, you can still find the answer to your dream.

Can the Flu Shot Give You The Flu?

This is a frequent question that patients ask us at Urgentway. Fortunately, you can’t get the flu from the flu shot. The viruses in the flu shot are not live. However, it does take a couple of weeks to build up immunity after you get the flu vaccine. Therefore, it is possible to get the flu right after getting a flu shot. People who get sick immediately after a flu shot often incorrectly assume that the flu shot gave them the flu. But, this isn’t true. If this happens, it is simply because you haven’t yet built up immunity. This illustrates why it is so important to get a flu shot early.

If You Have an Egg Allergy, Can You Still Get A Flu Shot?

There is a myth that you can’t get a flu shot if you have an egg allergy. This is not true. However, it is extremely important to let your medical provider know if you are allergic to eggs or any other substances before having any vaccine.

 Most vaccines are made through an egg-based manufacturing process. The flu viruses are grown in eggs. This process allows the viruses to replicate. CDC recommends if you have had a history of egg allergy and only had hives after exposure. You can still receive the vaccine. Just make sure you let the doctor know about your allergy so that they can monitor you. However, a previous severe allergic reaction to the flu vaccine, such as anaphylaxis, is a inadvisableallergy to a future flu vaccine. Again, if this is the case, make sure you let the doctor know before your appointment.

 Where Can I Get A Flu Shot?

 Are you ready to schedule your flu vaccine? Wondering “Where can I get a flu shot?” The answer is Statcare. We accept all major health insurances. At Urgentway, you can walk in anytime for a flu shot — no appointment necessary. Remember, the earlier you have it, the better. So,Click her for a Urgentway medical centre


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