STD Screening
What is STDs screening?
Doctors test people for chlamydia and gonorrhea by taking urine tests in
men or inside the penis or in women with a cervical swab. The sample is then
analyzed in a laboratory. Screening is important, because if you have no signs
or symptoms, you may not know you have an infection.
STDs do not always cause symptoms or can only cause mild symptoms. Therefore,
it is possible that there is an infection and it is not known. That's why it's
important to get an STD test if you're having sex. If you are diagnosed with
STDs, know that all can be treated with medication and some are completely
Get tested.
This is definitely the only way to know if you have STDs. Many STDs do not
cause any symptoms, so you may have one and you may not know it. If you are
having sex, getting tested is one of the most important things you can do to
protect your health.
Get all the STD tests you need.
Which STD test should I get?
If you are sexually active, getting tested for STDs is one of the most
important things you can do to protect your health. Be sure to have an open and
honest discussion with your doctor about your sex history and STD testing, and
ask if you should be tested for STDs. If you don't feel comfortable talking to
your healthcare provider about STDs, visit UrgentWay Clinics for a low cost,
confidential test.
How to talk to your doctor about STD
Do you know?
- Increased risk of transmitting HIV
- Long-term pelvic and / or abdominal pain
- Pregnancy failure or pregnancy complications
Testing is the only way to know if you have an STD.
Find the best healthcare provider.
- Treat you with respect.
- Listen to your opinions and concerns.
- Encourages you to ask questions.
- Describes things the way you think.
- Recommends security services, such as screening tests and shots.
- Treats many health problems, including STDs.
Refers you to a specialist when you need further help with a
particular health problem.
Some healthcare providers may not talk to you about sex or an STD test. But
UrgentWay provides a discussion of the best STDs. There is more to the office
visit than just lab tests and prescriptions.
Some questions you should expect.
- Have you been sexually active in the last year?
- Do you have sex with men, women, or both?
- How many sexual partners have you had in the last 12 months?
- Do you have anal, oral, or vaginal sex?
- What are you doing to protect yourself from STDs?
Medicine can help with STDs that cannot be treated. Talk to your provider to
find out more about what's right for you.
Urgent Way Walk in Medical Center encourages young people to get tested and treated for STDs and HIV to protect their health and the health of their partners. STDs affect people of all ages, yet they are particularly prevalent among young people.
Quick STD screening.
UrgentWay offers fast, accurate, easy and affordable STD testing. Our highly trained staff will ensure your comfort before starting STD screening.
Can't wait for more weeks. Get your results within 3 working days or less.
Just go to the UrgentWay Clinic. An online appointment is available. Book an appointment!
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